Summer Visitors

This Saturday, June 21st 2014, marks the Summer solstice, the longest day, followed strangely only three days later by Midsummer’s day.  Then it’s the school holidays and very possibly, visits from friends and relations – All very lovely and...
Being Present

Being Present

I was tempted to call this article “Summer’s Here!” but it isn’t.  The weather has been warm and inviting us to relax and enjoy ourselves but as we know, things can change.  So, I reminded myself to just be in the moment, be present and observe...
All Joined Up!

All Joined Up!

I was giving a talk to a local horse and riders club the other week, when the topic of interspecies help came up. “Interspecies help” is a posh way of defining how one species can help another.  The instance that this brought to mind for me was a four-way connection....

Questions & Answers

I was asked a very thought provoking question this morning.  The question was,” Is the cat I am fostering, happy with me?” The person who asked this is looking after a 16-year-old cat, on a temporary basis, until he goes home again.  I know that everything...
Signs and Symbols

Signs and Symbols

I went for a walk on Sunday, through the fields, by the stream and up to my brothers’ old primary school, now being remodeled into housing.  Things change, things move on. The current primary school still has its green fields, there are nesting boxes, fabulous...
Making a Splash

Making a Splash

The other week I spent some time with a lovely Labrador, at the Ashbourne Canine Hydrotherapy Centre. Ozzie, the black lab had been having mobility problems and his family were trying out a range of approaches to help him.  I think there’s a benefit in this...