After a long, hot summer here in the UK, one that has been quite tumultuous for many, we can now enjoy the fruits of our harvest.

In my garden there are more blackberries and damsons than ever before and this abundance is matched by the wealth of creative energies, which are now available for us to embrace. My cats and hens are all showing new sides to their personalities and in their ways of relating to each other and to me.

These energies affect all living beings.

These creative energies are our passport to living the life of our dreams. I have certainly been inspired. It’s time to make the changes you desire in your life, to take the creative power back into your own hands, and minds, for that is where the power begins. The planetary energies are supporting our wishes and plans in a different time scale now; I have experienced many instances of almost instant manifestation this summer and would love to continue sharing this knowledge and ability with you from my blog and selection of upcoming courses available on my website here.